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BAUCE Magazine

Bauce Magazine

Thanks BAUCE magazine for this cool article. We work hard to provide efficient, consistent air transportation and everyday we seek to be better than the day before. Notice I said "we", because it truly is a team effort and I'm just a part of the puzzle. My parents (My Bosses) have set the bar high and we're raising it, project by project, route by route.

On another note, I've always known there is power in representation (aka- seeing people that look like you in the media), but it has moved me to see the messages from people from various walks of life and ages, but especially young black women, that expressed how inspired they were by the article, shared their own stories, and asked many questions about my career path or sought general advice. I love a spirit of community and its been beautiful to talk with you all.

Check out excerpts from the article:

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